Preschool Pictures

Main Classroom

Inside Play Area Outside Play Area


Laugh & Learn
*3 year old main goals: Be able to identify basic shapes, the alphabet, and #1-10. Be able to write their name. Introduce days of the week, months, and 4 seasons.
*4 year old main goals: Be able to identify basic shapes, the alphabet, and 1-20. Be able to write the alphabet, 1-10, and their name. Know the sounds of the alphabet and reading and writing CVC words (example cat, bed, pig, etc). Know days of the week, months, and 4 seasons.
*Cost: Each month is $75.oo for 2 days and $140 for 4 days. Payment is due by the 5th of each month. There will be a $5.00 late charge if I receive payment after the 10th. Registration and Supply Fee is $50. If you haven’t paid yet, please get it to me asap. You can mail it to: 897 Churrea Dr. Washington, Ut. 84780 or just drop it by my house.
*Bounced check: If your check is to bounce, I am charged a $7.00 fee. I will notify you and it will then be added to your next months payment.
*First day: We will be starting on September 2nd for both 4/5 year old classes. Then, September 3rd is the frst day for the 3/4 year old class.
*Days off: We will have the same vacation day as Washington County School District.
*Snacks: The kids will take turns bringing snacks. At the beginning of the year I will send home a snack schedule for the whole year. That way you can see when you are in charge of the snack for that day. As a reminder through out the year, I will put a “snack sticker” on your child’s shirt when your turn is next. Please try to choose healthy snacks as much as you can. Please also try to send treats that you would want 3 and 4 year olds eating at your house J You will only be in charge of snacks 5 times throughout the year and I will provide the rest.
*Parties: I will be doing parties through out the year and need as much help as I can get. It is not required for you to help, but if you are interested, please sign up for one or more of the following parties:
· Halloween
· Thanksgiving
· Christmas
· Valentines
· Easter
· Graduation
You can sign up for parties on the first day of school.
*Field Trips: We will be taking a few field trips through out the year that I will also need volunteers for. You can also sign up for the field trips on the first day of school.
*Potty trained. All children must be potty trained before coming to preschool! If there happens to be an accident, I will call you and you will need to come and get them as soon as possible. This is a requirement of Washington City.
*I still have openings in my classes so if you know anyone that still needs a preschool, please give them my name.

See you in September!

If you have any questions, please feel free to call anytime. My cell is 668-9160 and my home phone is 251-9640.